
Getting Started

The search is now on for some amazing technologists to apply for the residencies. Each residency will be an opportunity to think, make and prototype digital projects and products as part of a small creative team. We’re looking for people who are creative thinkers, don’t mind getting their hands dirty (!), can communicate well and share their processes and thinking and can work in an Agile way. 

We’ve been talking about ‘agile project management’ – a common practice in technology development teams but less so in the arts. Developing an agile approach to technology, and making digital products in the way we would usually make art, is one of the things we want to experiment with, so the process of making will be just as important as the things we make.  

You’ll hear much more from us on this as we begin the activity but the basics –  making, talking, trying things out –  mean that the process has equal weighting to the finished product.We’re very lucky to be working with a great team from the University of Warwick Centre for Cultural Policy Studies, who will help us understand the impact of the project and the wider value of the work, and we hope that Happenstance will make a long-term change in the way that arts organisations approach technology. 

And finally, now seems like a good time to thank the people who generously gave their time and expertise as we were designing the programme – so big thanks to Chris Thorpe, Bill Thompson, Matt Jones and Rohan Gunatillake.

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